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Easter Favorites:

    Retes Dough

    The Ingredients you will need to make this are:

    250 grams flour
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    yolk of an egg
    40 grams butter or margarine
    100 ml lukewarm water
    100 ml cream

    1. Make soft dough by mixing flour, salt, egg yolk, butter, water and cream.

    2. Make a flat round loaf of it and try to pull out and make thinner.

    3. Sprinkle a little butter, then spread filling of your choice.

    4. Roll up in roly-poly then put onto greased tray, brush with melted butter and bake in moderate oven for 20-25 minutes.

    Retes are often taken to church to be blessed on Easter Sunday and form part of the Easter meal.

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